Welcome! I am a seasoned Graphic Designer, Software Developer, Web Developer, and Digital Marketer with over 15 years of experience in the real estate and property development industry. My diverse skill set includes designing print and digital ads, creating custom websites and mobile apps, and setting up semi-automated ad campaigns. I am proficient in a variety of programming languages and design tools, and I have a knack for learning new software and systems quickly. My work is characterized by innovative problem-solving, out-of-the-box thinking, and a commitment to excellence. Explore my portfolio to see how I've used these skills to drive results in my projects.

How can I help your business? My Skill Set Explained

The conception, programming, UX and Graphic Design in the examples below was created by myself, however it should be noted that most of the copy was created by other professionals.

Graphic Design - Steadfast Expo Booth for Leary & Partners (Brisbane Exhibition Centre)

Web Design - www.leary.com.au

Software Development - MeasureIt (Quickly and accurately measure scanned survey plans saved as PDF documents)

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